Mineral Exploration Field Solutions
Vehicular & Helicopter supported geological reconnaissance
Surface geological mapping
Geological Core / Chip logging
Geotechnical logging
JORC Compliance & Reporting
Geochemistry, Mineralogy & Petrophysics
Vehicular & helicopter supported ground sampling and analysis
Field portable analysis;
XRF litho-geochemical analysis.
SWIR / NIR spectroscopy
XRD & LIBS mineral analysis
Thin section preparation & analysis
Magnetic Susceptibility, Conductivity, Resistivity, Chargeability, 1'Velocity

Surface & Airborne Geophysics (Helicopter & UAV)
Magnetic & Gamma Spec
Induced Polarisation
Downhole Geophysics & Imagery
Optical and acoustic Televiewer
Geochemical auger / shallow percussion drilling
Slimline RC drilling
Remote access and Heli-portable diamond drilling
Logistics reconnaissance, heritage surveying, clearing and land rehabilitation
Sampling consumables
Drill core cutting
Field sample management & storage
Field camp solutions and management
